온라인계약 e.Form

Design, fill out, sign, send and track forms - all in a single platform
Streamline contract workflows and save money
Go paperless and move your business forward
스크롤 아래로

빠른 온라인계약 e.form

Turn your paper form into
electronic format with just a few clicks

Drag & drop or upload your form, add input fields of your choice on it, and then you are done!

언제 어디서나 확인

Send a contract via email,
SMS in a minute

Send any format of documents along with yourmessage via email, SMS for completion and signing

한번에 여러명에게

Batch sending up to 500

A contract, up to 500 recipients, but with personalized message.
“Batch Sending” has you covered.

내가 원하는 순서대로

Multi-party contract is also
easy as pie

Sequential signing among 5 recipients or parallel signing, whichever suits you best.

24시간 모바일

24 / 7 / 365 Access to your

Fill out and send the contract on the go. Access your contract from mobile devices anywhere, at any time.

실시간 상태 확인

Track progress on your contract
in real time

Do not miss a thing about your contract and keep up to date.

통계 한눈에 보기

Statistical data at a glance

Intuitive dashboard for users and admin respectively gives you an additional layer of insights into decision making.